martedì 9 dicembre 2008

The Ñandeva

Ñandeva is an crafts expansion program that aims the strengthen of a three-frontier borders identity ( in the border region between Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay) through the insertion of
elements and icons that forward to these peoples culture. In a constant dialogue between designers and craftsmen, the products are developed with the intention of generating income and opportunity to the producers' community. Thanks to Malba Aguilar and Juan Sotuyo idealism, the program was born in 2004, during the first Crafts and design Workshop, from which resulted many works with great esthetic and cultural value. Then, it was born the seed of what would become the current program, consolidated after the execution of a three-frontier-border director plan, accomplished in February, 2006.

Giulio and Valerio Vinaccia, are authors of the book “Iconographic Elements of the Triple Frontier Region” and advisors to Ñadeva since the beginning of the program.
The book “Iconographic Elements of the Triple Border” is the result of a study carried out by anthropologists and historians, who identified typical elements of the region. With this data, a group of designers, under the supervision of Giulio Vinaccia, visited 28 municipalities in the Tri-border area in order to collect images of the elements. The work resulted in an image database with about five thousand pictures, which was the basis for the creation of the first 450 symbols that define the region.
Now, all icons are available in the 832 pages of the two volume book. Divided into eight chapters (colonization, architecture, Guarani people, Jesuit missions, flora and fauna, arts, tourism and
geography), the book provides information on the meaning of each icon and suggestions of applications for handicraft.
Iconography pages

giovedì 27 novembre 2008


Triennale Design Museum presents
designer messages from around the world.

Motorcycle Goggles - MomoDesign

The evolution of the old motorcycle goggles in a new Hi-Tech version. Original Drawing and the finished product.

L'evoluzione del vecchi occhialoni da moto in una nuova versione Hi-Tech. Disegno originale e prodotto finito.

lunedì 24 novembre 2008

San Marino Design Week

San Marino University of Design

Democratic Design, that promotes the analysis of the original material cultures as a starting point for the development of newtypologies of objects.
The goal is to rediscover and to preserve techniques, expressions and local traditions starting from an idea of design as a democratic action that allows poor communities to access to free and voluntary consultation of international experts. The activity of design through creative workshops goes beyond the classical isolation of the handicraft communities making possible a comparison between them, the surrounding nations and with the people of the whole world, making them visible and therefore “defensible” (communities disappear every year and nobody knows). The project develops through an iconographic research that identifies expressions and peculiarity of the culture at stake, to translate them in a basic bidimensional and three - dimensional material, on the base of which the propositions will develop.
San Marino Design week page

Sample Project developed by one of the students groups.

giovedì 20 novembre 2008

Torino 2008 World Design Capital

Torino Geodesign Project

A project and competition, Torino Geodesign is first and foremost an idea which defines an extraordinarily large and productive field of action: self-determined design, produced in limited series by communities inside huge globalised metropolises.

Project: Packaging for food / Peruvians communities.
On weekends, inhabitants of Peruvian origin gather in the Parco della Pellerina, where they cook and share traditional Peruvian dishes. The project calls for creating and commercializing packaging for this food.
Torino Geodesign Page
Torino Geodesign Projects
Images on Flickr

Sistema di trasporto per alimenti / comunità peruviana.
Il fine settimana, gli abitanti di origine peruviana si riuniscono nel Parco della Pellerina, dove cucinano e condividono i tradizionali piatti peruviani. Il progetto per il trasporto e la commercializzazione per questi alimenti.

Some sketches and prototypes

Pamplona "La idea apropiada"

Crear Artesanias, CEIN

Project:"La idea apropiada"
Coordination of workshops and iconographic research.
Samples from different artisans, Toña Marìn and Fernando Muñoz

venerdì 14 novembre 2008


Power module for electric bicycles, Power Unit Design Proposal Drawings.

Modulo per la elettro/trazione delle biciclette, disegni iniziali.

lunedì 10 novembre 2008

Interior Doors Design - Polardorren

Interior Doors, decorated with northern Sweden ethnic drawings.

Porte per interni, decorate con motivi tradizionali del nord della Svezia

Motorcycles Sport Gloves - MECO

Motorcycles Sport Gloves Line, initial drawings.

Guanti da moto, sketch iniziali.


Poster proposal: World water future

Backpack - MomoDesign

Sport backpack, fabric and reforced plastic esoskeleton structure.

Zaino per motociclisti, tessuto con un esoscheletro esterno.

Ferrari Helmets

The new Ferrari helmets line, aluminum and leather. Original Drawing and the finished product.

La nuova linea di caschi Ferrari, disegni originali e prodotto finito.

Devil - MomoDesign

"Devil" A full face helmet with full transparent fron side.

"Devil" un casco integrale con mentoniera completamente trasparente.

Momodesign Devil

Laminated Wood Chair - Damber

This is a real old project (1984), laminated wood and steel tube, for Damber (Italy).

Questo è un progetto realmente vecchio (1984), legno laminato e tubo d'acciaio per Damber.

Pirelli Pzero

Glasses and the plastic version of the Pzero wristwatches are projects developed for Pirelli Pzero, unfortunately only sketchs....

Occhiali e la versione in plastica dell'orologio Pzero, progetto sviluppato per Pirelli Pzero, sfortunatamente solo sketchs....

Packaging - Reckitt Benckiser

Woolite and Lip Crystal, liquid soap packaging.

Ski Helmet - MomoDesign ICE

The new MomoDesign Ice helmet, with some development drawings.

Il casco sci di Momodesign, disegni originali e prodotto finito.
Recensioni: Megamodo, Homme Star

Momodesign ICE

Cash Register - Dataprocess Europe

Cash register with foldable screen.
Dataprocess page

Registratore di cassa, con schermo pieghevole.

sabato 4 ottobre 2008


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